Lefty Kreh’s Loop Knot

A LOOP KNOT is one of the most useful knots in fishing. A loop in the line allows the lure or fly to be more active during the retrieve. Anglers have used loops in monofilament and wire for decades, but most loop knots have some disadvantages. First, the tag end of most loop knots protrudes either outward or forward. This stub, even if very short, will tangle a thick tippet and often catch grass in the water, spoiling the retrieve. Second, most loop knots are not as strong as the line they are tied with and cannot be adjusted to loop size. Finally, many loop knots can be tied only in fluorocarbon or monofilament and not in braided wire.

The Non-Slip Loop overcomes most of these disadvantages. It doesn’t snag. The tag end protrudes toward the fly, lure, or hook, reducing the chance of snagging grass during the retrieve. It is strong. When tied correctly, it will test near or at full-line strength in all kinds of weights — 150-pound-test monofilament or 8X tippet. It is versatile. You can use it to make a simple loop or a loop to attach the lure, fly, or bare hook. You can build the loop to any desired size. And best of all, it is perhaps the most effective knot for tying a loop in braided wire, especially the modern multi-strand wire.

The knot may appear to be difficult to tie, but it is rather easy. You make an Overhand Knot, insert the tag end through the hook eye, bring the tag end back through the Overhand Knot, and make a number of turns with the tag end before inserting the tag end a final time through the Overhand Knot. Now let’s do it step-by-step.

Step 1: To attach a hook, lure, or fly, make an Overhand Knot in the line before you insert it through the hook eye.

Step 2: Pass the tag end back through the Overhand Knot the same way it came out of the knot.

Step 3: Large loops can cause problems, so it is best to make smaller loops. You can adjust the size of the loop as follows. After making step 2, use your thumb and forefinger to pinch together the Overhand Loop and the line passing through it. By drawing on the main line, you can then reduce the Overhand Loop. Continue pinching the two lines and pull on the tag end. This action moves the now-smaller Overhand Knot down until it touches the hook eye, further reducing the loop’s size.

Step 4: Start making turns with the tag end around the main line. It is the number of turns that determines the knot’s strength. For lines testing 8X to 6-pound-test, make seven turns; for 8- to 12-pound-test, make five turns; for 15- to 40-pound-test, four turns; and for line heavier than that, make only two turns. For thin, flexible modern multi strand plastic-coated braided wire lines, make three turns. For the older plastic-coated braided wire, two turns are enough. The key to tying a strong Non-Slip Loop is to make the required turns with the tag end around the main line before you finish the knot.

Step 5: To ensure maximum strength, pull on the main line, the tag end, and the lure or hook to firmly close the knot.